Living With The Oceans

PBS, Thomson Reuters Foundation 2018

Winner Int’l Oceans Festival, Coastal Community Award 2019

Wild and Scenic Film Festival 2019

Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world, is one of the poorest countries in Africa. With over 5000 kilometres of coastline, much of the population relies on the ocean to survive.
As two thirds of the world's fish stocks are fully or over fished, this film addresses how Malagasy people live with the ocean.

Deep sea diving is illegal and extremely dangerous, but many young men say they have no other means of supporting their families. In one of the most corrupt countries in the world, men are paid to dive, quite literally, to their deaths in search of sea cucumbers which are sold to the Asian market as a delicacy.
In the south of the island, grassroots marine conservation has been transformative as communities are taking control of the ocean.